Contains links to regulations, standards,  frameworks, qualifications and resources

Department of Education and Training

The Department of Education and Training is responsible for national policies and programmes that help Australians access quality and affordable early child care and childhood education.

Early Childhood Australia

Early Childhood Australia advocates for the interests of young children, their families and early childhood. You will find information, resources and links to ongoing learning opportunities.

ECA Code of Ethics: 


SNAICC provides a strong voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and families through a national body.


Information to help prevent childhood injuries.

Kids Matter

Supports the mental health and wellbeing of children.

Emerging Minds 

The National Workforce Centre for Child Mental Health has been established to assist professionals and organisations who work with children and/or parents/families to have the skills to identify, assess and support children at risk of mental health conditions.

Early Childhood Resource Hub (ecrh)

Find hundreds of quality-assured resources aligned to the seven quality areas of the National Quality Standard.

NECS Ombudsman

NECS receives complaints and assists people who may have been treated unfairly or inappropriately by ACECQA or the State and Territory Government Regulatory Authorities

Sunsmart Schools

All Australian children’s services and schools are encouraged to join the nationally recognised SunSmart Schools program.

Family Day Care Australia

Family Day Care Australia (FDCA), is the national peak body for family day care.

Red Nose

Red Nose provides the latest evidence-based advice on sleeping baby safely

Australian Early Development Census

Australian Early Development Census collects data that can assist you to plan for children’s learning based on five key areas of early childhood development

Nutrition Australia

Nutrition Australia is an independent, member organisation that aims to promote the health and wellbeing of all Australians.

Child Wise

Child wise is a not for profit child protection association you will find links to child protection legislation in all states and territories.


The Australian Council of Social Service (ACOSS) is the peak body of the community services and welfare sector and the national voice for the needs of people affected by poverty and inequality.


You will find news, information and resources to support and encourage changes in individual and community behaviours to stop child abuse and neglect before it starts.

Nature Play

Nature Play aims to work innovatively and collaboratively to make nature play a normal part of childhood again.


MultiVerse is a community organisation committed to art, inclusion and education,who believe that everyone can and should be living a beautiful life.

Early Years Connect

Early Childhood Australia is delighted to announce the launch of Early Years Connect, a new project delivered in partnership with C&K and Autism Queensland that is proudly funded and supported by the Queensland Government.

United Voice

United Voice is an organisation of over 120,000 Australian workers, united by our belief in the dignity of workers and the right to fair and just treatment at work.

Big Steps

United Voice’s Big Steps campaign aims to address fair wages for childcare educators. Working in a female dominated sector like ours, early childhood education and care, means that we’re some of the lowest paid professionals in Australia.

National Outside School Hours Services Association (NOSHSA)

NOSHSA is a network of all Australian State and Territory Out of School Hours Services (OSHC) Associations.




Department of Education and Training

Department of Education and Training is the regulatory authority in Queensland.

Queensland Early Childhood Sustainability Network (QECSN)

Queensland Early Childhood Sustainability Network (QECSN) recognises that early childhood is a critical phase of life for encouraging sustainable approaches for children, families and services.

Nature Play QLD

Nature Play QLD‘s mission is to increase the time Queensland kids spend in unstructured play outdoors and in nature. It is founded on the understanding that unstructured play outdoors – nature play – is fundamental to a full and healthy childhood.

Queensland Curriculum & Assessment Authority (QCAA)

QCAA – Provides resources to support teachers to implement the QKLG

Queensland Children’s Activity Network (QCAN)

Queensland Children’s Activity Network (QCAN) is an independent, not for profit organisation established to provide training, resources, information and support to the OSHC sector in Queensland

Family Day Care QLD

Family Day Care QLD is Queensland’s peak body for Family Day Care.


NSW Department of Education

The NSW department of Education, through the Early Childhood Education & Care Directorate, regulates the operation of early childhood education and care services for children from birth to school age.

The Network of Community Activities

The Network of Community Activities represents OOSH services in NSW. The acronym OOSH has been used in NSW since the early 1980s. The official name for the government’s program is Outside School Hours Care (OSHC) or Vacation Care (VC). 

Family Day Care NSW

The overall role of the Association is the promotion of the wellbeing of children as we strive for excellence in our service delivery.   


Victorian Department of Education and Training

The Victorian Department of Education and Training regulates and assesses education and care services. Links to newsletters child safe and child protection protocols.




Education Standards Board SA

The role of ESB SA is to provide regulation of the provision of education and care services in South Australia.

Nature Play SA

Nature Play SA aims to make unstructured outdoor play in nature an everyday part of childhood. 


Nature Play WA

Nature Play WA Inc is an incorporated not-for-profit association established to increase the time Western Australian children spend in unstructured play outdoors and in nature.


Northern Territory Department of Education

Northern Territory Department of Education – The regulatory authority responsible for administering the National Quality Framework across the Northern Territory.

We want this site to host organisations relevant to you to make accessing information easier for you. Please let us know if there are any key organisations missing from this site and how they inform your practice and can inform others.

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