Educator Thank You

from ECW Director Lee Gane

ECW Director Lee Gane

I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to all of the educators and Early Childhood Teachers who work tirelessly bringing joy and laughter into the lives of children. Who understand the importance of the formative years on a child’s future potential growth and development. All of you who are dedicated to providing a safe and secure environment for children to explore, learn and grow not only in skill but in confidence. The work that you do every day makes a huge difference in the lives of children both now and long into their future.


I would like to thank all of our members, the courageous educators who have joined ECW and who are making a stand for greater professional recognition. Educators who are sick to death of the babysitter label, educators who want to be heard and want their knowledge and skills to be recognised and valued.

I would like to thank our collective members who each in their own right are inspirational leaders in their field and are a voice of and for the profession. Our reference body members for getting behind ECW and our collaborators for their support of ECW and every one of them for their commitment to supporting you and the incredible work that you do.

Rita Pierson reminded us all that, ‘every child deserves a champion, an adult who will never give up on them.’

I have met many champions working in Education and Care. At ECW we believe Educators and Early Childhood Teachers also  deserve to have a champion, an organisation that has your back, that values the work you do, that understands the complexities of your roles. An organisation that will stand up and speak out for you. ECW has stepped up to be that champion for you.


‘At ECW we believe that every Educator and Early Childhood Teacher deserves a Champion’


I have been called both brave and foolish. I have been told educators are disengaged that you want recognition but you don’t want to work for it. I do not believe that is the case, I see how incredibly hard you work every single day.

I am not perfect and I do not proclaim to be an expert. I identify first and foremost as an Educator and an Early Childhood Teacher. Taking a public stance as a reserved and private individual has taken great conviction on my part, however as an education and care professional who has been on this hamster wheel working toward professional recognition for nearly thirty years and seeing little recognition or respect for the profession, I felt strongly that something had to change and doing nothing was not the answer. Something needs to change, our profession is critical to the health, well being and future productivity of the nation.

I truly believe that if we all stand together as one profession across all sectors of education and care we can have one strong voice, one that is not only heard but one that is recognised, respected and valued.


“By standing together as one profession across all sectors of education and care we can have one strong voice, one that is not only heard but one that is recognised, respected and valued”.


We have had an incredible year advocating for Educators and Early Childhood Teachers, we held our first ECW (and may I say affordable for all educators) conference which was an amazing opportunity to network and share.

ECW has had many conversations and meetings with a wide range of peaks, politicians, regulatory authorities, community organisations, RTO’s and educator networks. We have attended many conferences and events where we have held trade displays to connect face to face with educators and Early Childhood Teachers.

Our message to them all is very clear, educators and early childhood teachers are highly skilled education and care professionals whose role is critical to the delivery of quality programs for all children. Educators need greater support and recognition if we are to retain skilled education and care professionals and to grow a strong, knowledgeable and skilled education and care workforce.

With your continued support we look forward to an even bigger and more exciting 2018 with our calendar of events coming to you very soon. ECW Collective members have some very unique and exciting plans to engage, inspire and support you.

It is time to get off that hamster wheel and earn greater professional recognition for educators and early childhood teachers. We hope you will join us on this journey, every voice will make us stronger and help us to achieve our goals for a stronger, confident Education and Care Workforce that is recognised, valued and respected as professionals.




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